Simply Green

Genuine Innovations Simply Green LogoGenuine Innovations' office is located in one of the most beautiful cities in the United States. Surrounded by mountains (with great biking trails!), yet also just a five minute drive to the beach, we are beyond lucky to live on the Central Coast of California. 

But we know we can't take our hills, mountains, lakes and beaches for granted. We have a responsibility both as individuals and as a company to respect and take care of our planet. Here at Genuine Innovations, we have taken a pledge to live Simply Green. Is there any other way to be?

Here are some common questions we get asked when it comes to our products and the environment:

Are CO2 Cartridges Safe for the Environment?

They are as safe as opening a soda bottle. A 12 gram CO2 cylinder has about the same amount of CO2 found in a one liter bottle of soda.

Plus, our CO2 is captured directly from a manufacturing plant, then cleaned, filtered, purified and bottled. It does NOT come from the burning of fossil fuels. We are recycling CO2 that normally would have been exhausted into the atmosphere.

Can I Recycle My Empty CO2 Cartridges?

Genuine Innovations’ CO2 cartridges are made of steel and are 100% recyclable. Empty CO2 cylinders can be placed in any recycling bin that accepts steel.

If your community does not recycle steel curbside, then we encourage users to take used cartridges to a recycling facility or to mail them directly to our Genuine Innovations' office so we can recycle them for you. Empty, used CO2 cartridges can be mailed to:

Nicole Smith
Genuine Innovations
125 Venture Drive, Suite 210
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Thank you for helping Genuine Innovations live Simply Green